Sunday, October 4, 2009

Setting Intentions

I am sitting in my favorite spot as I imagine many of you are as well. Surrounding me there is a room filled with memories, objects, and endless future possibility. Snippets of times past play out in my mind at will when I turn my attention to certain areas of the room. I see my son's toddler sized arm chair and remember when it arrived, how excited he was when we were unwrapping each part and putting it together. I see his toys scattered about on the floor and remember being pregnant, happy, yet terrified, unable to imagine what having a child would be like. I see my husband sitting at his desk enthralled in his reading. I am astounded by this life I have created. It has been in the last 18 months that I have begun to deliberately create my experience. And truly it's been less time than that. I became interested in the Law of Attraction when my son was approaching 6 months of age. I read about it, watched a few videos and went back to creating by default. Part of it was because I was exhausted with having a new baby, but the other part was that I wasn't ready to accept the fact that the unwanted parts of my life were my doing. It's been in the last 3 or so months that I have really put the Law of Attraction into action- consciously and deliberately, in my life. I have always been a spiritual person, yet turned off by traditional religion. I've engrossed myself in yoga and meditation, studied Eastern and Western religions alike, the works- but it's just never stuck with me. I remember the first time I listened to an Abraham Hicks CD- it was as if a light had been turned on inside me, or that the veil had lifted even if for just a moment. I remember the passion and the excitement I felt in learning of the possibilities in creating one's own reality. I was changed from the inside out. The source in me recognized the truth of Abraham's words and I've been on the most wondrous journey ever since. Life has taken on a magical quality that I find delicious. Too delicious to let go of.

It is my primary intent with this space I have created, to reach those who are attracting this material. I would ultimately like for this to be an interactive exchange where I can speak about the Law of Attraction and what is happening in my life in regards to it, but also a place where you can come to for inspiration, ideas, and for open dialogue. I would like for this co-creative experience to be uplifting to all and to find like minded friends as well. If there is anything you'd like to talk about, or and topics you'd enjoy reading about- please let me know! All ideas are welcome.

I am so glad you've decided to come along with me on this journey. The divine within me is just ecstatic at the possibility of connecting with the divine within you.

Love to all.


1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo another co-creator! I am so thrilled about being on this journey also!
